New additions
January 2006
The Song That Men Should Sing, a poem by Kenneth Mackay
September 2005
The role of the Monarchy
Included this off-site document in the Nationalist Publications list
June 2005
Beyond Representative Government
Included this off-site document in the Nationalist Publications list
December 2004
The Fight for Australian Culture, a summary of the original article (with some alterations and updating) by Andrew Patterson.
Looks at the development and distinctiveness of our national identity, and the threats posed to it by mass immigration, Multiculturalism, the British mind-set, Americanisation, and Asianisation.
Handbook for Australian Nationalists
Addresses various areas of concern to Australian Nationalists: immigration, multiculturalism, Asianisation, state power, political police, the coming struggle, and the taking back of the moral high ground.
Taking Back the Moral High Ground, a summary of the original article by Andrew Patterson.
Fighting for the right for your people to exist is one of the highest moral values that can be aspired to. Contrary to how the biased media (mostly multiculturalists) present the issue, the preservation of one's own race is an important key in the fight against cultural and racial genocide. Discusses several issues related to that topic, including the important White Guilt Complex.
November 2004
Illegals, Overstayers and Unwelcome Guests: Migration to Australia 1983 - 1999, an article by Dr. Rodney Spencer.
An investigation of the true extent of illegal immigration into Australia.
September 2004
Fire of the Southern Cross: Chronological List of Poetry
The chronological poetry list has been restructured into several pages, arranged by decades.
July 2004
The Americanisation of Australian Culture, an article by Andrew Patterson.
Looks at the impact of American influence upon Australia's culture.
Articles links to external articles updated.
May 2004
The entire site has undergone renovation.
All of the links pages have been checked/updated.
Australian Nationalism Information Database