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The Asianisation of Australia: volume 3, part 3

Part Three

The Yellow Peril

For much of Australia's post-European settlement history, at least since the 1850s, her people have been highly concerned about the "Yellow Peril", that is, the possibility that the "teeming hordes of Asia" would swamp the country, whether by warlike or peaceful means.

This concern over Asianisation led to various immigration restrictions being put into place over the years. It also led some Australians to believe that our nation would need to "Populate or Perish". As Arthur Calwell put it in 1947, following the Japanese threat of World War Two: Some people have scorned the concept of the "Yellow Peril". A typical example is Donald Horne - who, while sneering at the concept, at the same time paradoxically reinforced the concept, by relating his "interesting" conversations with Asians that he had met:(15) Horne himself advocated More to the point, Horne stated Yet, even despite his own evidence of Asian interest in Australia; and despite his own views that our nation will be swamped by Asians, to be carried out "either by Australians, or by someone else" - which is the basic concept of "the Yellow Peril" - Horne still debunks the concept itself. This denial (after having already recognised the threat) is, no doubt, because he cannot see past his own ideological bias.

The view that Australia must bring in Asian immigrants, or face the prospect that such immigration will be forced upon us (perhaps by economic, political, or military threats; or possibly by an actual invasion), is still voiced sometimes.

For example: In 1984 The Age reported the views of Phil Ruthven, Director of Ibis Corporate Services, that Ruthven said In 1985 Ruthven repeated his warning in The Age: The Age further reported that Some years later, in 1990, Ruthven was to say The following year, Ruthven used a similar argument against those opposing mass immigration: In 1991 Senator John Button (talking about the Multi Function Polis, the technological City that was intended to be built in Australia in conjunction with Japan) said that Australia The Record reported that "In reply to Prime Minister Keating's racist slur against the Liberals in January this year [referring here to 1992], Liberal Leader John Hewson said that he wasn't a racist and that when the economy recovered he would vastly increase immigration and if he didn't, "someone else" would make Australia increase it"(25).

In 1992 The Bulletin reported the views of a senior official from the Northern Territory ("who declined to be identified"): In 1996 Rian Hassan and Adam Jamrozik of Flinders University wrote that The Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne, Dr. George Pell, in 1997 called for Australia's population to be increased to 50 million, saying In 1997 Malcolm Fraser, ex-Liberal Prime Minister of Australia, said That the threat of the "Yellow Peril" (another term for Asianisation) was (and still is) a real one is beyond doubt - if immigration restriction laws had not been put in place in the 1850s, 1890s, and in 1901, Australia would have been Asianised long before now. Indeed, it must be recognised that modern Australia is still dealing with the "Yellow Peril", and is - in fact - currently undergoing a process of Asianisation (i.e. the "Yellow Peril"), as forced upon it by the liberal- internationalist Establishment.

Whether our nation will survive, and not be overwhelmed or swamped by the teeming masses of the "Yellow Peril", depends on whether the Australian people can find within themselves the fortitude and strength to stop the insidious Asianisation of Australia.

Australians, the future lies in your hands.

The Asianisation of Australia:
Opinion Polls, the Traitor Class, and the Yellow Peril (Volume 3)

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