The Menace of Multiculturalism - section eight
The Reality of Multiculturalism
Multiculturalists advocate the right for other cultures to practice their own cultural traditions and "unique" ways of life, and feel that this liberalistic view is a fair and just position to take. How ironic, therefore, that we find that some of the cultural ways and traditions subsequently practiced are considered to be far from "liberal", "just", or "fair".
Professor Lauchlan Chipman has exposed multiculturalism as containing a wide spectrum; from "soft" multiculturalism (the "food and dances" justification, used so often) to the realities of "hard" multiculturalism:
"It is imperative that we realise that this is what hard multi-culturalism is about. It is not about folk dancing, interesting food, and free-flowing wine. Nor is it about experiments in living and the open-minded and sensitive quest for improved or alternative life-styles. It is not just about reinforcing the 'nice' or the 'cute' or the 'exotic' aspects of these cultures as perceived by widely read, widely travelled middle-class Australians. Rather, it is about the preservation of 'ethnic integrity', the reinforcement and imposition on the new-born of sets of traditions, beliefs, and values which include, as well as those which are noble and enlightened, some which are at least as inhuman, as grotesquely ignorant, and as racist, as sexist, and as bigoted as any that can be squeezed from even the most appalling of ockers." Also looking at the consequences of multiculturalism, Dr. Frank Knopfelmacher warned that "It entails permanent class war with an ethnic dimension -- the worst kind of class-war, and in the end, terrorism and civil war."(48)
The reality of the multicultural ideology (despite what any of its promoters might claim) is that it actually encourages and supports various distasteful ethnic customs:
Treatment of women as second class citizens, including a "sheltered, separate, limited and thoroughly sexist upbringing for daughters" that exists among fundamentalist Muslims.(49)
Female genital mutilation (also known as female circumcision) by Africans.(50)
Girls raised in strict Muslim or Mediterranean households, not being allowed to associate socially with Australian classmates.(51)
Extremely rigid, and almost blindly obedient, patriarchal family structures.(52)
Arranged marriages, whereby brides (and sometimes grooms - depending on which culture is involved) have no say in the choosing of their partner. Indian and Australian Aboriginal arranged marriages can involve girls as young as eleven to fourteen being married to middle-aged men.(53)
The notion of the duty to kill to preserve family or blood honour.(54)
Aborigines being speared in the leg by other Aborigines, as tribal punishment for crimes, in line with their customary law (other types of punishment also occur).(55)
Ethnic hatreds, and traditional anti-Semitism.(56)
To try to encompass all cultures (and their various aspects and realiies) within one nation is blatantly ridiculous; but to try to change, or to try to ban, certain cultural traditions is to "discriminate", to act "culturally superior", and to be "racist". Of course, some cultural demands cannot coexist in the same country; for instance, some cultures demand that monogamy be the only legal marriage, while some want polygamy to be legal. It is a direct contradiction: You can't have it both ways.
It also needs to be asked as to whether most Australians have thought about the implications of a "truly multi-cultural society"? At the moment many Australian traditions are based upon our Christian heritage; but in a truly non-discriminatory multicultural society these traditions will lose their official standing so as not to discriminate against, or offend, other religions; especially when the population base for other non-Christian religions, such as Islam, grow enormously. For instance, it is "discriminatory" for Australian governments to recognise, and allow public holidays for, Christian religious festivals, such as Christmas and Easter. It is a "logical" demand of multiculturalism to demand that such "discriminatory" practices cease. In such an event, there are two basic "non-discriminatory" options: 1) to recognise, and declare public holidays for, all religious festivals (a political and economic nightmare), or 2) to ban official support for all religious festivals (this latter scenario being the more likely choice). Do Australians really want government recognition of, and public holidays for, Christian festivals (such as Christmas and Easter) banned?
Some multiculturalists may deny this scenario; but, giving us a taste of things to come, appeared this news item in The Age: "The English city of Birmingham has banned Christmas symbols such as Santa Claus, church bells, angels, nativity scenes and 'Merry Christmas' messages from its street lighting decorations in case they upset non-Christians". There should be no doubt in our minds that this is only the start of such matters.(57)
Since the first edition of this publication, the point being made above has been borne out. Newspaper reports revealed that "Nativity plays and overly religious activities have been scrapped in many Melbourne kindergartens concerned about their culturally diverse proteges". The reality of multiculturalism brings forth a situation where Australian children are denied part of their traditional upbringing simply because a minority within their midst belong to other cultures. One kindergarten teacher ignored such "political correctness", and made a statement of common sense: "If we went to Japan or China, would they stop their shinto festivals, or moon festivals because of one or two children? Of course they wouldn't".(58)
The reality of multiculturalism is that elements of Australian culture will slowly be forced from the public sphere, leading to the destruction of our national culture and identity.
The point made previously bears repeating:
"There should be no doubt in our minds that this is only the start of such matters."
The Menace of Multiculturalism
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