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The Menace of Multiculturalism - section twelve

The Great "Utopia"
(Where the Logic of "Multiculturalism"
Would Eventually Lead Us)

Multiculturalism is not just a theory/experiment confined to Australia and North America; in many Western-style democracies, multiculturalism (in numerous variant styles) is being forced upon the people of the host nations. Its advocates see it as eventually covering the entire globe.

The long term consequences that are inherent in such a world-wide ideology are frightening. The foreseeable scenario would appear to be, spread over the next millennium, something like this: Australia, Canada, and North America become fully multicultural, followed soon after by the other Western democracies, then over a longer span of time all of the remaining countries of the world are slowly pushed into the multicultural abyss: There would be no point in travelling to Paris to experience a lively, vibrant, French culture; or to the Congo to see the exotic unusual cultures of the dark jungles of Africa; because everywhere is the same: That is the logical long-term result of multiculturalism: a world-wide American TV-style culture (presumably administered by a global government).

In 1992, Australia's then Governor-General, Bill Hayden, said It is people like Bill Hayden that are trying, not only to destroy Australia's culture (in the name of multiculturalism), but who are also trying to destroy the culture of every nation on earth.

It is time that everyone realises that "Multiculturalism Means No Culture".

The Menace of Multiculturalism

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