DISCLAIMER: It should go without saying that the inclusion of any particular link does not in any way express or imply any endorsement of any political/social viewpoint that is being expressed or implied in such link.
Of course, even though this has been plainly stated, some idiot is bound to cite a link, or links, listed below as proof that this implies some form of endorsement (sigh).
Note: Those sites that have included a link to this site have been marked with three stars, ***. It may be worthwhile bookmarking these sites as, if this site is ever closed down by authoritarian censorship moves, those sites will be informed ASAP of the new internet address of this site, should such censorship ever occur.
Australia: Politics in General
The Armidale Politics Page from the University of New England (in Armidale, New South Wales) has some interesting links regarding Australian politics and current affairs.
Australian Commonwealth Government; gives links to Commonwealth government departments, press releases, and other government sites.
*** The Australian Politics Resource http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/8270/politics
A quite comprehensive guide to Australian politics (Site Editor is David Moss). Includes links to most political parties (major and minor), other political organisations***, some individual politicians, political articles, political issues (e.g. the republican, flag, and gun debates), the Australian Constitution, Hansards (transcripts of parliamentary debates, Commonwealth and State/Territory), and many more.
Palmer's Oz Politics http://www.ozpolitics.info
Lots of links to Australian politics (site editor is Bryan Palmer). Concentrates on "middle of the road" or "mainstream" politics.
Check out the links page.
Parliament of Australia http://www.aph.gov.au
Includes Hansards http://www.aph.gov.au/hansard
Includes the Parliamentary Library http://www.aph.gov.au/library
Some interesting information on all sorts of topics.