Nationalism, Patriotism, Anti-Immigration,
Economic Nationalism, Racial Nationalism, etc.
DISCLAIMER: It should go without saying that the inclusion of any particular link does not in any way express or imply any endorsement of any political/social viewpoint that is being expressed or implied in such link. Of course, even though this has been plainly stated, some idiot is bound to cite a link, or links, listed below as proof that this implies some form of endorsement (sigh). While these lists include organisations which are "straight forward", there are also others which - depending on your outlook - may be considered as "weird", "wacky", or "extremist" (YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED).
Note: Those sites that have included a link to this site have been marked with three stars, ***. It may be worthwhile bookmarking these sites as, if this site is ever closed down by authoritarian censorship moves, those sites will be informed ASAP of the new internet address of this site, should such censorship ever occur.
Allgermanische Heidnische Front (Sweden - in English)
Purpose: "to be an institution for the development and reconstruction of our integral culture"
American Renaissance (USA)
American Renaissance is "America’s premiere publication of racial-realist thought". Has many interesting articles.
Includes Statement on Race as a Biological Concept www.amren.com/rushton.htm
An interesting article by Professor Philippe Rushton of the University of Western Ontario, issued in 1996 in response to attempts to discredit the concept of race.
Includes The Reality of Race (USA)
A 1993 review of the book "Race", written by the eminent biologist John R. Baker in 1974
America's Race Crisis - and Separatism (USA)
Policy-studies site hosted by Dr. James Owens, professor and former Dean at The American University School of Business (Washington, DC)
Aryan Nations (USA)
Aryan Nations http://www.twelvearyannations.com/
Church of Jesus Christ Aryan Nations. White Racial-Religious Organisation (has been labelled as part of the "Christian Identity" movement).
Asatru Folk Assembly (USA)
Promotes the pre-Christian Northern European religion of Asatru
AWB (South Africa - in English and Afrikaans)
The AWB - Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (in English, the Afrikaner Resistance Movement)
It has a section in English http://www.awb.co.za/english.htm
Also, see the "South Africa" section below
Beyond Left And Right http://geocities.com/beyondleftandright
"Providing a Third Way alternative"
David Duke (USA)
And at the following sites:
http://www.davidduke.com http://www.davidduke.net (not operating when checked 12-5-2004)---
http://www.davidduke.org (not operating when checked 12-5-2004)---
Was once leader of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, then left to establish the National Association for the Advancement of White People, was recently a Member of Parliament in Louisiana.
See his Race Information Library http://www.duke.org/library
Folk and Faith (USA)
Third Position organisation: "We are believers in National Revolution, Social Justice and Cultural Identity. We are defenders of our noble European ancestry and of the Orthodox Christian faith. We are neither left nor right-wing"
14 Words (USA)
Includes 14 Word Press
Note: "Fourteen Words" refers to a 14-word quote from David Lane "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children"
Historical Review Press (UK)
Items regarding politics, race, media, etc.
Has various Books online regarding revisionism, race, etc.
"Nazism" [so-called - because any organisation that is pro-White is listed here] (USA?)
The Nazism Exposed Project (Norway - in English)
Heaps of links (especially to European organisations: see "main selections" section). Organised by subject area. While there are "Nazi" groups listed, many of the groups listed are nothing to do at all with Nazis; this is another example of the typical idiotic labelling of patriots as "Nazi"; even more idiotic when you consider that the only people nowadays who act like the Nazis did are the multiculturalists: suppression of freedom of speech, political censorship, jailing of political opponents, social intimidation, racism/genocide (anti-white racism), etc. - which is why many Nationalists are nowadays labelling the multiculturalists as the "New Nazis".
Links page: http://www.student.uit.no/~paalde/nazismexposed/links/links.php
Micetrap Distribution (USA)
www.whitepride.net directs browsers to http://www.micetrap.net
White music site
The Militia Watchdog Archives (USA)
Lots of information regarding the US Militias.
Its links page has heaps of links to various groups: "Neo-Militia", Anti-Militia, Patriotic, "White Supremacy", Tax Protesters, etc.
National Alliance (USA)
National Alliance (mirror site) (USA)
American Racial-Nationalist organisation
National Vanguard (USA)
American Racial-Nationalist organisation
Nazis or National Socialists: These groups appear to be actual Nazis or National Socialists. Although many groups that are pro-White are called "Nazis" by deliberately-lying journalists, these following groups have actually based themselves on those beliefs:
The Scorpion (UK)
"The Scorpion is an English language magazine of metapolitics and culture which appears once a year, each issue dealing with a particular subject (e.g., imperialism, ecology, regionalism) from a perspective opposed to modernism and globalism."
Blood and Honour (England)
Faugh A Ballagh! (Clear The Way!) (USA)
A personal skinhead website (despite the Gaelic name, this site is from Philadelphia, USA)
Social Contract Press (USA)
"The Social Contract Press is an educational and publishing organization advocating open discussion of such related issues as population size and rate of growth, protection of the environment and precious resources, limits on immigration, as well as preservation and promotion of a shared American language and culture."
AWB (South Africa - in Afrikaans, German, English, French, and Italian)
The AWB (Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging)
Includes a section in English http://www.awb.co.za/english.htm
The Boer Nation (South Africa - in English and Afrikaans)
South African patriotic database
Includes a section in English http://www.awb.co.za/english.htm
Nationalism: Afrikaner http://www.puredirectory.com/Society/Politics/Nationalism/Afrikaner
A list of links
Orania (South Africa - in English and Afrikaans)
The "White homeland" that has been set up on the North Western Cape of South Africa
(not operating on day checked 12-5-2004)---
Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum (USA)
Articles on the continuing coverup of the massacre of the Branch Davidians at Waco by US security forces.
Women for Aryan Unity (branches in USA, Europe, South America, & Australia)
World Church of the Creator (USA)
http://www.creator.org = not operational on day checked 12-5-2004---
Now known as "The Creativity Movement" (the Creativity Movement was formerly known as the "World Church of the Creator" until it lost a trademark infringement suit in 2002)
See the Disputed Holy Works section of www.overthrow.com for the two major works of the WCOTC (USA)
See Free Matt Hale (USA)
http://www.matthale.org re. their jailed leader
Yggdrasil's Library (USA)
Various articles and links.