Internationalism, Globalism, Anti-Patriotism,
Anti-Nationalism, Pro-Immigration, etc.
DISCLAIMER: It should go without saying that the inclusion of any particular link does not in any way express or imply any endorsement of any political/social viewpoint that is being expressed or implied in such link. Of course, even though this has been plainly stated, some idiot is bound to cite a link, or links, listed below as proof that this implies some form of endorsement (sigh). While these lists include organisations which are "straight forward", there are also others which - depending on your outlook - may be considered as "weird", "wacky", or "extremist" (YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED).
Note: Those sites that have included a link to this site have been marked with three stars, ***. It may be worthwhile bookmarking these sites as, if this site is ever closed down by authoritarian censorship moves, those sites will be informed ASAP of the new internet address of this site, should such censorship ever occur.
Australia: Internationalism, Globalism, Anti-Patriotism,
Anti-Nationalism, Pro-Immigration, etc.
The Communist Party of Australia
Was formerly known as the "Socialist Party of Australia", but changed its
name to "Communist Party" at its 8th National Congress in October, 1996. Self-described as adhering to "Marxism-Leninism".
International Socialist Organisation
A "Socialist" organisation that preaches Marxism and internationalism. The International Socialists' support for "gay rights" has led to the group being labelled by some disrespectful Nationalists as the "International Sodomites".
The National Party (Qld.)
A main establishment political party
Oxfam Community Aid Abroad
Not just an organisation for sending funds overseas to "underdeveloped communities"; in past years (what about nowadays?) they have sent funds to Third World terrorist organisations as well.
Communist Party of Canada
Self-described as "the Marxist-Leninist party of the working class dedicated to the cause of socialism".
Communist Party of Israel (Israel - in Hebrew)
Includes a page in English
South African Communist Party
It says that "The SACP is a partner in the Tripartite Alliance consisting of the African National Congress and the Congress of South African Trade Unions".