DISCLAIMER: It should go without saying that the inclusion of any particular link does not in any way express or imply any endorsement of any political/social viewpoint that is being expressed or implied in such link. Of course, even though this has been plainly stated, some idiot is bound to cite a link, or links, listed below as proof that this implies some form of endorsement (sigh). While these lists include organisations which are "straight forward", there are also others which - depending on your outlook - may be considered as "weird", "wacky", or "extremist" (YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED).
Note: Those sites that have included a link to this site have been marked with three stars, ***. It may be worthwhile bookmarking these sites as, if this site is ever closed down by authoritarian censorship moves, those sites will be informed ASAP of the new internet address of this site, should such censorship ever occur.
African Crisis http://www.africancrisis.org
News and views on the current state of affairs in Africa.
Australian Civil Liberties Union http://www.go.to/aclu
Mirror site https://www.angelfire.com/folk/aclu
The ACLU's aims are "To investigate and take up matters involving arbitrary government actions, police conduct, freedom of speech, freedom of association, and invasions of privacy; give general advice on citizens' rights; and campaign for law reform".
Books on the net
Project Gutenberg http://www.gutenberg.net
A collection of more than 10,000 e-books, produced by hundreds of volunteers.
The Online Books Page (USA)
"Listing over 20,000 free books on the Web"
Beacon for Freedom of Expression (USA)
"An international database on censorship of books and newspapers, and literature on freedom of expression"
Banned Book Online http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/banned-books.html
Irish Republican Army http://www.irishrepublicanarmy.net
"This site is for informational and educational puposes only."
Issues & Views http://www.issues-views.com
A website of conservative American Blacks. Interesting.
The Jailhouse Lawyer (USA)
Includes The Reality Zone https://www.angelfire.com/az/sthurston/RealityZone.html
Includes Comparing U.S.A. to Nazi Germany https://www.angelfire.com/az/sthurston/comparison.html
How the USA government is giving itself more and more authoritarian powers
Multinational Monitor On-Line http://multinationalmonitor.org
The Multinational Monitor tracks corporate activity, especially in the Third World, focusing on the export of hazardous substances, worker health and safety, labor union issues and the environment
Politically Incorrect Magazine http://www.cycad.com/cgi-bin/pinc
Describes itself as "A bimonthly magazine issued on the Internet, pinc confronts political correctness, taboo subjects and latter-day shibboleths. Race, intelligence, feminism, postmodernism, higher education, speech codes and more."
Preservation Institute - developing a new politics that goes beyond progressive and conservative.
To produce reasoned criticism of modernization, and develop a new politics that recognizes the limits of technology
Reclaim Australia http://www.reclaimaustralia.net
Unusual site, argues against bank interest, the authority of the Australian Taxation Office, and supports "The Principality of Caledonia"
Includes The International Martin Bryant Innocence Project http://www.reclaimaustralia.net/TIMBIP
The Zundelsite http://www.zundelsite.org
Site of revisionist Ernst Zündel, who was recently jailed in Canada for not being politically correct.
See: The Persecution of Ernst Zündel http://www.zundelsite.org/zundel_persecuted
Lead defence lawyer Peter Lindsay says that "this is all about Mr. Zundel who is in solitary confinement. He's 65 years old. He's not been charged with a crime. He's never broken the law in Canada. Yet, he's sat in prison for 15 months"; Zundel is being subjected to secret court proceedings with the legal establishment biased against him.
The Review http://www.join.org.au/aijac
Formerly Australia/Israel Review; for an opposing viewpoint
Sinn Fein (Ireland)
The name comes from the Irish Gaelic expression for "We Ourselves''
Also at http://sinnfein.org
Spy & Counterspy (Canada)
The original www.spycounterspy.com has closed down; however, see the mirror site at www.bikershome.com/~nix/spycounterspy/home.html
"Spy & CounterSpy is a practical course in freedom skills - including countersurveillance, antisurveillance, and underground urban activism."
Waco: The Rules of Engagement http://www.waco93.com
An expose of the events at Waco, Texas, where the Branch Dravidian religious community were harassed, hunted, and killed by government forces (the BATF and FBI), who then destroyed evidence and covered up their mistakes, excesses, and illegal machinations.