How to Combat the Political Police
Appendix One
Examples Of Political Police Activities Against Nationalists
For those who might still believe that the political police are "neutral", the following list of examples of actions carried out by the political police against Nationalists has been compiled (it is not claimed that this list is totally comprehensive). Various of these actions have been carried out by ASIO, several Special Branches, "ordinary" police, the Federal Police, and the National Crime Authority; however, sometimes other government agencies are used in order to provide information and/or to carry out bureaucratic harassment. It should be stressed that these examples are actual cases, and are not some form of Nationalist paranoia.
- Phones have been tapped (both of party officials, as well as of party offices).
- Mail has been tampered with.
- Premises have been illegally entered and searched. Also, the contents of rubbish bins have been taken (to be searched for information or "leads").
- Low-level harassment has been carried out. Attempts have been made to wreck the relationships and finances of several leading nationalists by visits to the homes and/or workplaces of family, friends, neighbours, workmates, and business contacts to inform them (sometimes in a "subtle" fashion, sometimes openly) that the targeted individual is a "dangerous" or "subversive" "racist".
- Family members have been approached to inform on Nationalists.
- Small-businesses owned by Nationalists have faced harassment, and attempted economic destruction.
- "Verbals" have been made (i.e. police claim that a confession to a "crime" has been made, so as to "frame" an individual).
- Witnesses have been "purchased" to make fake allegations against a Nationalist leader; attempts have been made to obtain false witnesses in other cases - promises of leniency in court penalties are the usual offer, although direct monetary bribes have also been on offer.
- An attempted amalgamation with a "respectable" group was scuttled by direct political police action.
- Fractious and perverse elements in some pseudo-patriotic groups have been used to inform on patriotic organisations, and to carry out campaigns against target individuals or groups.
- Infiltration of Nationalist parties has been carried out.
- Violence has been perpetrated against individuals (police bashings, tampering with motor vehicles so as to cause injury, etc.).
How to Combat the Political Police
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